Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Promoting women’s participation and leadership in producers’ organizations

Open online discussion hosted by FAO's TECA platform.

The objectives of this discussion are:

  • To share experiences of POs dealing with women's inclusion, participation and leadership issues
  • To share successful experiences of women's participation and leadership in POs and cooperatives
  • To understand better issues faced by women producers in POs and cooperatives
  • To identify ways of strengthening women's participation and leadership within POs 

This discussion will start on Monday 23th June and last until 27th July, 2013. 

See more here:

ESP - Social farming

Social farming (also called care farming): an innovative approach for promoting women’s economic empowerment, decent rural employment and social inclusion. What works in developing countries?

Social farming (also called care farming) is an innovative approach for promoting women’s economic empowerment, rural employment and the social inclusion of vulnerable people. The aim of the discussion is to gather examples of the use of care farming in developing countries. 


Focusing on Rural Women in a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Framework

Rural women everywhere play a key role in supporting their households and communities in achieving food and nutrition security, generating income, and improving rural livelihoods and overall well-being. It's up to all of us to make sure that their role is well represented in the Post 2015 development agenda. How would you contribute?

Call for Articles - Gender equity in agricultural research

GFAR is seeking many new ways to spread the value of agricultural research and innovation of all kinds and how they are helping to address development challenges. GFAR has established a collaboration with New Agriculturist a widely read and well recognized online journal, to help share your stories about how agricultural knowledge and innovation are helping to address major development challenges and make a real difference in the lives of the poor.
Through publication in New Agriculturist we can help you to raise wider awareness of your work and share your knowledge with thousands of readers. GFAR is particularly interested in stories that show how you are delivering against processes transforming and strengthening agricultural research for development systems as highlighted in the GCARD Roadmap and how your work is helping achieve developmental change in increasing environmental resilience, in benefiting people’s lives and livelihoods or enhancing food and nutrition security, whether by improving foresight and prioritization, improving partnership, enhancing capacities, increasing investments, or by better linking research and innovation into development processes.
GFAR is contributing 3 articles in each edition. These articles will be displayed on the front page of New Agriculturist. The previous editions with the GFAR sections are available here.
The topic for the next edition is "Gender equity in agricultural research - women in research & research for women" and GFAR is seeking stories and projects from around the world on the theme, whether at local, national, regional or international scale.
GFAR welcomes your contributed articles, which must be received by the 16 December 2013. The guidelines for writing up the articles in terms of content are:
Show how people put the GCARD RoadMap principles into practice:
  1. Background – what was the drive behind the new development
  2. Description of how the new development works and how it is changing real lives
  3. Hurdles and challenges that were overcome
  4. Comments and experiences of ‘developers’ and users
  5. Limitations/constraints/future challenges
  6. Responses from relevant/significant bodies (e.g. partner organizations)
  7. What next in terms of development? What lessons have been learnt/can be transferred elsewhere?
Article length is 750- 850 words. Please note, longer article will not be considered.
Please send articles rather than research type papers as the former are more likely to be selected. To get more idea of the style expected please visit the previous edition.
All articles received will be submitted to New Agriculturist for their consideration and selection.
GFAR invite you to identify and share stories on the topic and help reach beyond GFAR`s community.
Please send the articles to the following E-mail address: [email protected]

What is the role of social relations and networks in household food security and nutrition?

The ability to access and consume nutritious food is to some extent an outcome of their membership and relationships with other members of society. This is especially true in times of crises. To identify and discuss success stories, challenges and way forward to achieving food and nutritional security, this discussion focuses on social relations and networks for food security and nutrition.

CFS side event - Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food Security and Nutrition

The Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) is organizing a side event on “Transforming food systems: empowering women to deliver on Food Security and Nutrition” in the context of the CFS 40 on Thursday October 10th, 2013 between 12:30 and 14:00.
Venue: FAO Red Room
The event will discuss:
  • The evidence showing how women’s and girls’ empowerment delivers on these outcomes 
  • The costs of failing to invest in women's roles in high-nutrient-value food chains and of ignoring women's triple work burden (household, reproductive and market)
  • The enabling environment - policies, rights, laws and incentives to empower women in food systems to deliver food security and nutrition
Prof. MS Swaminathan, Chair of the HLPE of the CFS, and also a GAP Patron will chair the side event and HE Mary Mubi, Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Co-Chair of the Women’s Network of Ambassadors to FAO will make remarks.

Panelists include:

Lynn Brown, Senior Economist, World Bank/GenRD and SecureNutrition

Susan Carlson, Women’s Committee Facilitator, World Farmers’ Organization (WFO)

Susan Kaaria, Senior Gender Officer (Policy), Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division, FAO

Stanlake Samkange, Director, Policy, Programme and Innovation Division, WFP


Indigenous methods of food preparation: what is their impact on food security and nutrition?

Communities use knowledge that is passed from generation to generation to prepare their food. Each technique and has its very peculiar implications on the socio-economic dynamics of a typical rural household. Can we consider indigenous methods of food preparation as a viable means for achieving food security and nutrition in rural poor communities?