What are your experiences in the use and application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) for improving food security and nutrition?
A global thematic event (GTE) will be organized during the October 2022 Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to share experiences and good practices in the use and application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) endorsed in 2014. The CFS invites stakeholders to share their experiences and good practices in applying the CFS-RAI by 15 April 2022 to inform the GTE.
WEBINAR - Public purse under pressure: current challenges and the future of government spending on food and agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
FAO's Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) programme will host a special webinar to mark the launch of a new report on public expenditure on food and agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. The webinar will focus on the main findings of MAFAP economic analyses, revealing top trends and current challenges in expenditure on food and agriculture in 13 sub-Saharan countries, while underscoring the role policy monitoring plays in helping governments to spend wisely for farmers, consumers and food security. Experts will offer their perspectives and policy priorities for the way forward on better public spending on food and agriculture.
The webinar will take place on 7 May at 11:00 - 12:30 (CET, Rome time). Interpretation in French will be provided.
Please register here.
Agenda and speakers:
- Opening remarks by QU Dongyu, Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Presentation on report's findings by Marco V. Sánchez, Deputy Director, Agrifood Economics Division (ESA), FAO
- Expert panel discussion with:
- Yassia Kindo, Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation Development and Mechanization, Burkina Faso
- Tewodaj Mogues, Senior Economist, IMF* (*Ms. Mogues’ remarks will draw on her analysis carried out in her professional work prior to joining the IMF).
- Apollos Nwafor, Vice President for Policy and State Capability, AGRA
- Leonard Mizzi, Head of Sustainable Agri-food Systems and Fisheries, European Commission
- Shenggen Fan, Chair Professor at China Agricultural University and CGIAR Board Member
- Thule Lenneiye, Coordinator, Agricultural Transformation Office, Kenya
- Short Q&A session
- Closing remarks by Máximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO
- And moderated by Bola Mosuro, Journalist, BBC Focus on Africa and Newsday
Launch of the 2020 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia
The 2020 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia is the sixth regional report monitoring trends and progress made towards reaching SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) food security and nutrition targets in the region. The report includes studies on the drivers and regional policy responses necessary to achieve SDG 2. In addition, ensuring adequate, nutritious foods supports progress towards achieving SDG 3.4, limiting poor diets high in unhealthy fats, salt, sugar and excess energy and low in fruit and vegetable consumption and thus reducing premature mortality from non-communicable diseases. Furthermore, a change towards healthy diets contributes to the achievement of SDG 13, which focuses on climate change.
The special theme of this 2020 edition is the affordability of sustainable healthy diets and their usefulness in ending hunger and malnutrition in the region. The sustainability prospects of healthy diets are recognized and analysed throughout this report, but the main focus of this report is a quantitative analysis of the cost and affordability of healthy diets at national and subnational levels.
The report will be launched at a high-level event on Wednesday, 12 May, 10:00-11:30 a.m. (CEST).
The ceremony will be streamed live on YouTube in English and can also be followed on Zoom in English and Russian.
The 2020 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia was jointly prepared by the six members of the Issue-based Coalition on Sustainable Food Systems for Europe and Central Asia: the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; the World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Bureau Cairo for Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe; the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE); the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe; and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Core food and agricultural indicators for measuring the private sector’s contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
FAO is developing guidance on how to measure the contribution of food- and agriculture private actors to the achievement of the SDGs in a consistent manner and in alignment with countries’ needs on monitoring the attainment of the SDG agenda. With this online consultation, the Office of the Chief Statistician of FAO aims to gather feedback on the draft indicators and guideline that have been developed in this context.
SURVEY - Taking Stock of Global Capacity for Ecosystems Restoration
To prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2021-2030 as the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. When the strategy guiding this UN Decade was launched in September 2020, it was accompanied by a general survey, designed to assess what individuals already knew about restoration – and how they would like to be involved in the movement.
However, to accomplish the world’s ambitious restoration goals by 2030, individual and voluntary action is not enough. There is a need to strategically strengthen capacities of those stakeholders already involved in restoration. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has launched a new online survey “Taking Stock of Global Capacity for Ecosystems Restoration” to identify what and whose capacities need to be enhanced to achieve the goals of the Decade.
The survey was jointly developed by a coalition of 38 organizations, under FAO’s leadership, and aims to: 1) provide a baseline of existing capacities; 2) help identify strengths, gaps, needs and barriers to achieving global restoration goals, and 3) guide the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’s system-wide capacity development efforts, to the benefit of all involved.
You are encouraged to take this survey regardless of whether you have or have not participated in the previous general survey. This survey is aimed at everyone involved in ecosystem restoration.
The survey is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian, and will take about 15 minutes to complete.
The survey will remain open until 15 April 2021 and can be accessed here.
Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition - HLPE e-consultation on the Report’s scope
During its 46th Plenary Session (14-18 October 2019), the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) adopted its four-year Programme of Work (MYPoW 2020-2023), which includes a request to the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (CFS-HLPE) to produce a report on “Data collection and analysis tools” for food security and nutrition, to be presented at the 50th Plenary session of the CFS in October 2022. To implement this CFS request, the HLPE is launching an open e-consultation to seek views and comments on the scope and building blocks of the report.
Review of monitoring and evaluation capacities in the agriculture sector - Study conducted in collaboration with EvalForward
Evaluation and results-based management are amongst the best-known instruments to strengthen accountability and learning, and ultimately improve policies and practices. How are these instruments applied by Ministries of Agriculture, and are officials working in this sector equipped with adequate...
Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity
This study, the third of its type published by FAO, adds further evidence that in mountain regions of developing countries, food insecurity, social isolation, environmental degradation, exposure to the risk of disasters and to the impacts of climate change, and limited access to basic services...
Near-real-time monitoring of food crisis risk factors for improved early warning early action
This document summarizes the online discussion Near-real-time monitoring of food crisis risk factors for improved early warning early action, held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 16 September to 18 October 2020. The discussion was facilitated by Betina...
FAO Food Price Index rises sharply
Global food commodity prices rose sharply in November to their highest level in nearly six years, according to a benchmark United Nations report released on 3 December 2020.
The FAO Food Price Index averaged 105.0 points during the month, up 3.9 percent from October and 6.5 percent higher than its value a year earlier. The monthly increase was the sharpest since July 2012, putting the index at its highest level since December 2014, the Food and Agriculture Organization said.