Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Urban development

Policy documents

Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition, in the context of urbanization and rural transformation. HLPE Report No. 19

The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) of the CFS launched the 19th report entitled “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation”. You can access the full report here...

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Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation – V0 draft of the HLPE-FSN report #19

The e-consultation was organized in the context of the further development of the V0 draft report of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), which then be submitted to peer review, before finalization and approval by the HLPE-FSN drafting team and the Steering Committee. The final report will be presented at CFS 52nd plenary session in October 2024 and provide recommendations to the CFS workstream.

FAO flagships

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023

Urbanization, agrifood systems transformation and healthy diets across the rural–urban continuum This report provides an update on global progress towards the targets of ending hunger (SDG Target 2.1) and all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2) and estimates on the number of people who are unable...

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urban and peri-urban food systems

Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation

The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) produces the report “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation”, at the request of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). The HLPE-FSN report will be presented at the 52nd plenary session of the CFS in October 2024. With this e-consultation, the HLPE-FSN is seeking your feedback on the proposed scope of this report.

FAO flagships

The State of Food and Agriculture 2017

The new report looks at how population growth, increasing urbanization, technologies, and climate change are transforming rural and urban areas, and how the world’s food systems are evolving. The report concludes that fulfilling the 2030 Agenda depends crucially on progress in rural areas, which is...

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Reports and briefs

Rural-urban linkages and food systems in sub-Saharan Africa

This paper examines the role of rural-urban linkages in fostering inclusive and sustainable food systems and how these contribute to rural transformation and, more broadly, to sustainable and inclusive development. Focusing on sub-Saharan Africa, the paper analyses the interdependencies between...

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Reports and briefs

City Region Food Systems and Food Waste Management

This book describes the results of 13 case studies on city region food systems and food waste management. It provides lessons learned on the institutionalisation of city region food policies and programmes; provisioning of national and legal frameworks embedding city region food systems in broader...

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Reports and briefs

Food remittances: Migration and food security in Africa

Cash remittances have grown rapidly over the past two decades and are now at an all-time high. The World Bank estimates that international remittances reached USD436 billion in 2014, and predicts that they will increase to USD601 billion in 2016. Studies of remitting practices and impacts often...

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Reports and briefs

Nourishing the city: the rise of the urban food question in the Global North

The urban food question is forcing itself up the political agenda in the Global North because of a new food equation that spells the end of the ‘cheap food’ era, fuelling nutritional poverty in the cities of Europe and North America. This article explores the rise of the urban food question in the...

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