全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)





This call is organized by the FAO’s Office of Innovation in the context of engaging various stakeholders to deepen an understanding of the potential pathways of the agrifood system transformation at regional level. The submission findings will contribute to the full foresight report, based on the synthesis report “Harvesting change: Harnessing emerging technologies and innovations for agrifood system transformation”, that will be featured during FAO’s multistakeholder workshop "FutureFood-I Lab in action: Cultivating Innovation for Agrifood Systems’ Transformation" (June 2024, Italy).

CFS Policy Recommendations


The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has consistently encouraged stakeholders to voluntarily share their experiences and good practices in applying CFS policy products through reporting individual (direct) experiences by one group of stakeholders or through reporting the results of multi-stakeholder consultations or events (organized to discuss experiences) by several groups of stakeholders. 

Science and Innovation

科技人员和其他知识主体在为提高农业粮食体系效率、包容度、韧性和 可持续性建言献策方面面临的障碍和机会有哪些?



Online Expert Consultation on “Global Forest Resources Assessment: Towards FRA2025”

The Global Forest Resources Assessment programme (FRA) of FAO is a continuously improving process; each assessment is an upgrade of the former one as the information needs change, new and better data become available and new methods and technologies can be applied. FRA has received technical guidance and support from international specialists through expert consultations organized by FAO, with the support of the Government of Finland, at regular intervals over the last three decades. This online expert consultation is of paramount importance for providing relevant input and guidance for the next FRA2025.

In October 2013, the CFS requested the HLPE to produce a Note on critical and/or emerging issues affecting food security and nutrition. In October 2015, at its 42nd Plenary Session, the CFS decided that this HLPE note shall be updated at least every four years. The HLPE is now developing the third note to inform the preparation of the MYPoW 2024-2027. This V0 draft of the note is published for e-consultation on the FSN Forum from 25 April to 17 May 2022.

