全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Reports and briefs


Agricultural cooperatives and globalization: A challenge in future?

Globalization is one of the greatest strategic challenges for agricultural cooperatives. Globalization has increased significantly over the last decade, and despite financial crises and recession in many parts of the world globalization will likely continue — albeit with less force than before...



由于世界农产品市场的波动,近年来不断引发新的有关农业、粮食安全、自然资源、人口增长和经济发展之间关系的争论。长期的经济增长前景和预期的人均收入增 长会如何影响农业和粮食经济?是否有充足的土地和水资源来养活不断增长的人口?经济刺激和技术变革将会在资源利用和供给上起到怎样的作用?投资和研究的重 点领域在哪儿?农产品用于生物燃料的生产将会如何影响市场?气候变化将如何影响生产和市场?针对这些问题,2009年联合国粮农组织经济和社会发展司组织 了一个论坛和一次高端专家会议,就2050年如何养活世界这一议题进行讨论。本书是基于这一动议的一项成果,收集了当时最新的技术文件资料以及后续的工作 成果...


On the origins of gender roles: Women and the plough

This paper seeks to better understand the historic origins of current differences in norms and beliefs about the appropriate role of women in society. We test the hypothesis that traditional agricultural practices influenced the historic gender division of labor and the evolution and persistence of...


The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition: A Right to Food Perspective

The right to food plays a crucial role in the context of the reformed Committee on World Food Security, as integral part of its vision, as strategic orientation of its work and as practical way to achieve the objective of a world without hunger and malnutrition. Related to the development of a...


Towards the Future We Want - End Hunger and make the transition to sustainable agricultural and food systems

Improving agricultural and food systems is essential for a world with healthier people and healthier ecosystems. Healthy and productive lives cannot be achieved unless ?all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary...