全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Congratulations for this first draft.  It is very rich and insightful !

This topic is so complex that when reading this first draft, To this topical theme of general interest, you will find attached some summarized proposals for How to Strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems to ensure food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation ?

The Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to ensure food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation, case of Cameroon, involves:                                       

- Satisfying urban and peri-urban demand, which requires not only an increase in agricultural production, but also an increase in agricultural products sold per farmer, as well as the effectiveness of the transformation of all local products taken from the soil Cameroonians in rural and urban areas.

- The continuation of agricultural and financial assistance to vulnerable communities in Cameroon, while supporting livelihoods in order to increase food production and then strengthen their resilience in rural and urban areas.

- The establishment of a national file of players in the said sector available at the level of each district.

-The professionalization of the agricultural and poultry sector with the establishment of professional agricultural or poultry cards for players in this sector, issued by the competent authorities of each district, thus allowing them access to credit, subsidies, equipment and then to agricultural and poultry inputs and any other benefit linked to their function.

- The multiplication of training centers specializing in the production, processing and conservation of agricultural and livestock products into local finished products in each rural and urban area.

- The creation of specialized post-harvest centers and storage of finished products resulting from the processing of raw materials in the form of a national granary in each district.

- Redistribution and access to arable agricultural land to nearly 15 million Cameroonians individually or in groups, in each rural and urban area.

- Access to agricultural and poultry credits for nearly 15 million Cameroonians in the said sector from the national list of actors in this sector at the rural and urban level in order to make up for the economic losses linked to COVID-19.

- Access to agricultural and poultry inputs in each rural and urban area at 50% in the form of a subsidy and 50% in the form of credit.

- The creation and domiciliation of a bank or agricultural micro-finance specialized in each rural and urban area.

- The industrialization (conservation and/or transformation) of 90% of products from agriculture in each rural then urban area and 80% reserved directly for national urban consumption.

- The export of 10% of finished products from the 90% previously processed and the remaining 80% will be intended for the national urban market.

- The creation of subsidized urban supermarkets for the marketing of 80% of national agricultural and poultry products.

- The creation and increase of mixed operational monitoring and training teams including advisors in agriculture and/or livestock, marketing-commerce-sales, post-harvest, food technology, financial resources management, then in taxation with a view to assisting rural farmers and then increasing the production and marketing of agricultural and poultry products in urban areas.