全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear Moderator,
Professor George Kent (previous contributor) has raised a lot of fundamental questions that will help other discussants to contribute meaningfully.
However, looking at it from poor country or third world country perspective where poverty is
very high and still growing at unprecedented rate, the question of innovative financing for agriculture, food security and nutrition cannot be pulled together. One single financing strategy will not be appropriate, therefore, there is needs to look at each topic and provide relevant solution based on country specificity.
 It is well documented that INCREASE or improvement in agriculture produce does not necessarily translate to Food Security and Food security does not also guarantee Nutrition security.
No matter how innovative financing mechanisms can be, if there is no strategy put in place to ensure sustainability, such a innovative mechanism will definitely have short live. So whatever innovative financing mechanism(s) we arrive at, let  it be Revolving and Sustainable.
In most African Countries there are laudable financing mechanisms borrowed from advanced economies that failed to work in Africa.
 An important model that will help in arriving at a Revolving and Sustainable Innovative Mechanism is the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (http://www.ifad.org/sla/index.htm).  
Falana, Adetunji Olajide
Nutrition Division
Federal Ministry of Health