全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Ahmed Sidahmed


The HLPE paper on SAD for FSN including Livestock is a huge literature review work based on Delgado’s Livestock Revolution and Carlos Sere’s work on the Production Systems, and a number of deterministic models. However, the draft, in its current format, is too long, and is not a guiding document. Also the sentences are very long and the conclusions unclear and unspecific. However, the report is still in draft form and is open to reviewer’s comments online. If shortened it should provide a good case on the needed strategies of sustaining Animal Source Foods for Food Security and nutrition especially in the developing countries. The case studies from Australia and New Zealand may not offer universal technical clues ( e.g. in the situation of sheep and goats which are mostly raised under semi-extensive or traditional systems; although not being from the developing countries is not a reason for their exclusion. Possible case studies from successful counties that have closer problems would help