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Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply

Dear Collegues,

In addition to the comments sent from Secretariat of International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply - MAPA, Brazil, here are some remarks.

A)   MAPA believes that a wider food supply chain sustainability is related with the balance among efficiency, management, food safety, quality, animal and human welfare, environment support and profit. These factors must to be guaranteed in/by each of the food chain stakeholders ('from farm to fork' approach). Regarding livestock sustainability, all these elements are presented in MAPA's programs in order to support the productives sector for implementation of best practices in livestock supply chain, including best agricultural practices, best animal and food transportation practices, best industries processing practices (HACCP, GMP, SSOPs) and of quality management system.

For instance, the Brazilian Decree n. 8533/2015 established the "Programa Mais Leite Saudável" ("Healthy Milk Program" - http://www.agricultura.gov.br/portal/page/portal/Internet-MAPA/pagina-inicial/leite-saudavel) with the main objectives to improve the milk quality/safety and a wider sustainability though the Brazilian dairy production chains. As the means of reaching them, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriulture (together with some strategic Universities and EMBRAPA, Dairy Farmers Associations, Dairy Industries Associations, States Agriulture Federations and others) will support the promotion and implementation of good milk production, milk transportation and milk processing practices protocols. More than 80.000 milk producers will be supported in the next 4 years and at least the largest 50 milk processing industries are already participating. A public budget close to US$300 million is foreseen for the next 4 years and much more in private budget from 2015 on (the private budget and private efforts have no limitations on values or time).

Please, see also some suggestions in answer to the question:

  1. 12. Are there any major omissions or gaps in the report? Are topics under-or over-represented in relation to their importance? Are any facts or conclusions refuted or questionable? If any of these are an issue, please send supporting evidence.

B)   A huge concern in many developing countries, mainly in the large ones (like Brazil), is the efficiency and the quality on food transportation. Regarding the efficiency, all the food supply system should be improved in order to mitigate the food losses during transportation, including the repairing and enlargement of roads, ports, airports and water transport systems. Regarding the quality on transportation, this issue is also very important in relation with the welfare of slaughtering animals and with to maintenance of the food quality and safety thru food chain (from farms to food processing plants / from food processing plants to food distribution centers/supermarkets), including the mitigation of economic and sanitary food frauds during the transportation processes.


Best regards,                        

Heber Brenner

Official Veterinarian

Head of Best Practices in Livestock Supply Chain

Department of Production and Sustainability Systems - DEPROS

Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply - MAPA