全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Kenechukwu Chudi Onukwube

Development Education and Advocacy Resources for A

1) The contribution of Forests and forestry to Food Security and Livelihoods issues of internally displaced people in the context of emergencies need be emphasised and targeted specifically in the draft. For instance, how accessible are timber and non-timber forest products to IDPs in host communities especially to enable them meet both individual and household nutritional needs; as well as meet non-food item (e.g. shelter) needs?

2) In the light of the above, age and gender-related disparities in access need to be addressed. This is more so as the population of unaccompanied children (males or females) swells in conflict-instigated emergencies. It is also essential that the security of females in relation to access of these resources to meet the same needs be prioritised in the draft.

The basis of these (1) and (2) above is that there is connectivity between the roles played by access to improved nutrition and effective functional shelters directly and indirectly for IDPs in emergency contexts.