全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Elena Cadel

Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition Foundation (BCFN)

Dear All,

With reference to the open consultation of the V0 Draft of the Report Nutrition and Food Systems, the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) Foundation is willing to congratulate for the quality of the present document, and provide a contribution to the elaboration of the report.

As you might know, the BCFN is a private non-profit apolitical institution (www.barillacfn.com). Working as a multidisciplinary and independent think tank the Foundation produces valuable scientific content that can be used to inform and help people to make conscious choices every day about food and nutrition, health and sustainability Some of our works refer to point number 6 of your question list, providing specific approaches for the categorization of the food system. The attached document represents a summary of the BCFN contribution to the CFS Report, with particular relevance to two recently-released outcomes:

  • The Double Pyramid 2016 – A more sustainable future depends on us, which presents the synthesis of the relationship between food and environment which BCFN has been analysing, with a multi-disciplinary approach, since 2009.
  • The Food Sustainability Index, and the accompanying Fixing Food report, developed by the Economist Intelligence Unit with BCFN, which ranks 25 countries according to their food system sustainability, and is a quantitative and qualitative benchmarking model based on 58 indicators.

We hope that both these projects, which are at the core of the research activities of BCFN, can be deemed relevant and appropriate for their scientific contribution to the V 0 Draft Report, and hence be included in the document references.

We remain at your disposal for any additional information you might need.

With Best Regards,

BCFN Research Team