全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


National Institute for healh and medical research (INSERM), France

Based on available scientific literature and reports, bottom-up informations and my personal experience and knowledge, I feel that agroecology approaches have the potential to fill the long-standing gap between chronic undernutrition and malnutrition, poverty and present ressources/environmental challenges. While the present proposal seems to cover a large spectrum to handle the topic, I would suggest to consider in a more explicit way two important points. One is the crucial need for a "sustainable food system" approach in line with the last CFS-HLPE report and the 10 y FAO-UNEP Sustainable food system programme, ie a necessary holistic view of the various key components driving the whole food system, at local and global levels. This supports the second point : food consumption, including food access, food quality, culinary skills and dietary patterns, is one of the key components of the food systems, and is directely linked to the healh and disease status of most inhabitants. As a nutritionist, I really feel that diet sustainability, as defined by FAO in 2010, is a key element of a sustainable food system to consider. Indeed, we know that various dietary patterns can have different impacts on ressources and environment, indicating that positive changes in dietary patterns could play a key role in sustainability development.

I also wonder what are the "other innovative approaches, practices and technologies".