全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Vincenzo Lo Scalzo

Agorà Ambrosiana

I put to the attention of the HLPE Comittee the open Talk at Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition kept at © Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition 2012 - www.barillacfn.com with the participation of Jean Schwab, Tristram Struart and Andrea Segre.

An issue of the relevant report with the title “Spreco alimentare:come ridurlo dal campo alla tavola” is edited in few languages and available to download at the Barilla’s Center.

The European and global scenario which was presente is a valuable effort to an updated assement to face at the HLPE. The debate took place on May 23, 2012 in Milano and discussed again at 4th International Forum 2012 November 28-29.

The relevant themes at the Forum have been:

I paradossi della globalizzazione:  Eccesso di cibo o acceso al cibo? Mangiare nel 2030: Il futuro dell’alimentazione tra stili di vita e innovazione. Lo spreco alimentare: una opportunità da cogliere. Come comunicare il cibo?

As author of a proposal of international debates scheme which is still “idle” of implementation with the necessary complement of “strategic tag-deliveries” for each specific meeting, AgoraAmbrosiana and myself hade taken a proper contribution by the above contribution, which is one og the theme aìof major concern in the lager issue of Food and Security for the Planet, know to FAO/ XXX as DRAFT AA, issued August/septmebre 2011.

I took part at the Forum and commented further with personal continutions as I did in occasiion of tye previous Forums. I suppose that the important contributions in all thge approrpate forms will be part of the final document of this open debate.


Dr V. Lo Scalzo, AgoràAmbrosiana

5 April, 2013 – Cannes/Milano