全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Khaled Al-talafih

  1. The focusing in this issue is very important thing because of the high amount of losses and wastes in food if which it decreased these lead to make food available with good price to hungry people in the world without need to increase the area of production.
  2. It is very important to increase the awareness in all the world about the important of food and we must used what we need and avoid buying and storing more what we need, specially in these days the food is available all the time in markets, and clarify for all people about the efforts for production, transportation, storage and cost of the food and that many other people didn’t have the food or cant afford to buy it.
  3. It is important to inform the people about the cost of wasting food in the personal level and national and international level by decrease the bill of buying the food.
  4. Focusing on how anyone to buy and how to storage food in the home consumption level.
  5. Encouragement of the local associations to collect the surpass food in hotels, restaurants, after the big feast, and what the people donate to distribute to hungry people.
  6.  Encouragement the consumer to buy what need of food (fresh) because it is available and not buy more than they need to store.
  7. Increase the awareness for all people in the world about the difficulties that encounter the agriculture sector ( water shortage, climate change, environment issues,…) and the difficulties to increase the production of foods.

Khaled Al-talafih
