1.The Quality of Cultivated Land and Fertilizer Work Station in Hubei Province,Wuhan 430070,China;
2.Soil and Fertilizer Station in Xianning City,Xianning 437100,Hubei,China;
3.Soil and Fertilizer Station in Yichang City,Yichang 443000,Hubei,China)
The green manure planting benefit, feasibility and the reasons for planting area reducing were investigated and surveyed,and the countermeasures and suggestions were put forward. The results show that planting benefit of green manure is remarkable,first,which can improve soil organic matter content and physical and chemical properties,and increase the utilization rate of nutrients and crop nutrient supply;Second,which can increase crop yield,reduce the fertilizer input,enhance the output value of agricultural products,and eliminate the continuous cropping obstacle;Third, which can effectively broaden the industry,promote planting and breeding,dock rural tourism and development new industries. Hubei province has a successful green manure planting history,development area is larger,and financial support for green manure planting experiment and demonstration obtained obvious effect. Because direct economic benefit is not obvious,the contradiction in water supply is highlight,basic-level agro-technique extension is difficult,and the problem such as supporting technology is not mature,green manure planting area of Hubei province have not been able to improve. To expand cultivated area of green manure and implement the central concept of green development,demonstration and propaganda should be strengthened, the way of financial support should be actively widen,the multisectoral cooperation mechanisms should be build,the entire social service tone should be strengthen,and measures to green manure production pattern should be built by local conditions.
Research Progress in Intercropping Upland Crops with Green Manure
Song Li (1), Liao Wanyou (1), Wang Yejun (1), Su Youjian (1), Zhang Yongli (1), Luo Yi (1), Liao Jun (1), Wu Weiguo (2)
(1Tea Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huangshan 245000, Anhui, China;
2Huangshan Huizhou Area Agricultural Council, Huizhou 245061, Anhui, China)
Upland crops reasonable interplanting green manure reasonably could relieve the contradiction of green manure and the main cropland, and make better services to the green manure in main crops, further promote the sustainability of agricultural production. Here we reviewed the current literature and drew conclusions on the following aspects: the main varieties and species selection principle of upland crops interplanting green manure, and effects of upland crops interplanting green manure on soil fertility, the main crop yield and quality, and ecological environment influence. We summarized the predecessor's research results and sum up the problems existing in the current research
and extension, and pointed the direction of research in the future.
Green manure is a biological fumure/ manure. Green manure have many benefit for farmer, for soil, for biodiversity. The contribution of green manure in foods security are important. See attached the details of green manure planting
Ph.D student in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Siences (CAAS) ,
The benefit of Green Manure and Countermeasures of Enlarge Planting Area
in Hubei Province
REN Wen-hai (1),HU Qun-Zhong (1),HE Xun (1),MA Kun-Wei (2),ZHANG Zi-qi (2),WU Han (3)
1.The Quality of Cultivated Land and Fertilizer Work Station in Hubei Province,Wuhan 430070,China;
2.Soil and Fertilizer Station in Xianning City,Xianning 437100,Hubei,China;
3.Soil and Fertilizer Station in Yichang City,Yichang 443000,Hubei,China)
The green manure planting benefit, feasibility and the reasons for planting area reducing were investigated and surveyed,and the countermeasures and suggestions were put forward. The results show that planting benefit of green manure is remarkable,first,which can improve soil organic matter content and physical and chemical properties,and increase the utilization rate of nutrients and crop nutrient supply;Second,which can increase crop yield,reduce the fertilizer input,enhance the output value of agricultural products,and eliminate the continuous cropping obstacle;Third, which can effectively broaden the industry,promote planting and breeding,dock rural tourism and development new industries. Hubei province has a successful green manure planting history,development area is larger,and financial support for green manure planting experiment and demonstration obtained obvious effect. Because direct economic benefit is not obvious,the contradiction in water supply is highlight,basic-level agro-technique extension is difficult,and the problem such as supporting technology is not mature,green manure planting area of Hubei province have not been able to improve. To expand cultivated area of green manure and implement the central concept of green development,demonstration and propaganda should be strengthened, the way of financial support should be actively widen,the multisectoral cooperation mechanisms should be build,the entire social service tone should be strengthen,and measures to green manure production pattern should be built by local conditions.
Research Progress in Intercropping Upland Crops with Green Manure
Song Li (1), Liao Wanyou (1), Wang Yejun (1), Su Youjian (1), Zhang Yongli (1), Luo Yi (1), Liao Jun (1), Wu Weiguo (2)
(1Tea Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huangshan 245000, Anhui, China;
2Huangshan Huizhou Area Agricultural Council, Huizhou 245061, Anhui, China)
Upland crops reasonable interplanting green manure reasonably could relieve the contradiction of green manure and the main cropland, and make better services to the green manure in main crops, further promote the sustainability of agricultural production. Here we reviewed the current literature and drew conclusions on the following aspects: the main varieties and species selection principle of upland crops interplanting green manure, and effects of upland crops interplanting green manure on soil fertility, the main crop yield and quality, and ecological environment influence. We summarized the predecessor's research results and sum up the problems existing in the current research
and extension, and pointed the direction of research in the future.
Green manure is a biological fumure/ manure. Green manure have many benefit for farmer, for soil, for biodiversity. The contribution of green manure in foods security are important. See attached the details of green manure planting
Ph.D student in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Siences (CAAS) ,
Institut of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning. [email protected], [email protected], +8615652476270.