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Reference is made to "Presentation of a master plan to be proposed by AgoraAmbrosiana and TN for a global debate of Food Security and Nutrition in occasion of the event of Milano EXPO 2015."

V. Lo Scalzo and A. Pasquale

In the presentation of a plan of debates by AgoraAmbrosiana the theme has been selected as: CIBO e SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE. This definition translates in "FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY", of which we were happy because the protagonist of debate is FOOD, in all and every acception, as well as SECURITY is the co-protagonist in any and every acception of risk to NUTRITION.

FOOD=CIBO in all acception include all raw edible materia on Earth surface and undersurface (land and waters), air as atmosphere and stratosphere, underwater or underground. In any form and shape. WATER is dominant.

SECURITY=SICUREZZA is to be interpreted as safety of risk to access, of certainty, of safety, of health, of guarantee, of value, of protection, of conservation, of availability.

ALIMENTARE=FOOD, FEEDING, is solely and specifically relevant to NUTRITION, for all class of humans and animals, based on any kind of vegetative crops and derivatives, all living bodies, derivatives, milks, meats.

Text of the cited presentation:

Presentation of a master plan to be proposed by AgoraAmbrosiana and TN for a global debate of Food Security and Nutrition in occasion of the event of Milano EXPO 2015.

V. Lo Scalzo and A. Pasquale

We anticipated already the decision to take part to the open Global Strategic Framework launched by FAO-GSF as a relevant occasion to implement a potential programme of public debates that we try to suggest since now to the Executive Committee of Milano EXPO 2015. The heart of the event to be held in 2015 shall become the occasion for a place and space of a global event to present and discuss the theme (as they appear in the official plan) of Milan EXPO 2015 “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.

Since the finalization by GIE of the planned event for 2015, most of the attention by the Executive Committee has been paid to the more intensive financial, social, international issues of the complex organization to envisage and implement than to the cultural, social, international fundamental challenge of the 6 months debate on safe food alternatives and future resources to provide to the living society of the Planet.

Under this stimulation, in parallel to the efforts of coverage made by the international Planet’s organizations converging in the Society of Nations and to the specific coordination of the efforts for implementation of efficient plans of intervention, Agora as AgoraAmbrosiana, a cultural association created in Milan, Italy, has started the compilation of a draft plan for coordination of open debates on the theme “Cibo e sicurezza alimentare”. The scope to cope with the variety of problems met by the human society in the variety of the territories and environment of the Planet is taken as preliminary target of the event.

A first occasion to contribute to the social mission of ONU and FAO and to the complex plan to be undertaken by the Executive Committee of Milano EXPO, was given to AA and TN by the reception of the theme by the G 8 and G 20 free meetings planned in this season. The aim is to be ready to implement an initiative on the field by the most exposed and interested governments of the globe, namely to be agreed and ratified in occasion of the next meeting in Nice in November 2011, planned into a draft programme by the G20 meeting of June in Paris. The initial scope to sustain the recommendations of the Italian Senate and Chamber debate, which gave authorization to the Italian authority delegate to make part and approve the official joint proposal edited at end of the meeting in June 2011.

We are personally convinced that the state of the DRAFT of CIBO E SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE PER G 20, updated to the present date, could be a useful guide to consider also for integration in the presumed debate and preparation of an international confrontation to succed in the scope aimed by the CFS for preparation of a “LIVING DOCUMENT” valuable “to improve coordination and guide actions towards a more secure world” as stated by the CFS chair Noel de Luna.

The form of the DRAFT is naïf, in a first attempt to be defined in the proper style and format of a larger and detailed document. The form of the draft could be appreciated to extract the useful inputs (some originally deriving by direct multidisciplinary experiences of the small team of partners) to the scope of its final mission.

My personal ongoing suggestion is to go through the index of the debates reported by “Discussions up to 10 Aug 2011 - Forum on Food Security and Nutrition_ Forum Discussions.pdf” to check if each issue of the collection could get a place in the “first hand” list of Theme/sub themes/Tasks/Targets” of the complex plan of debates in DRAFT, as is.

Our partnership is completely independent and not supported by any of the national and international bodies that we count to contact to offer our open cooperation. Our offer will appear shortly also internationally through AgoraAmbrosiana group in Linkedin.

FAO-GSF as well as MILANO EXPO are a priority contact to start a screening phase of potential cooperation for a contribution to the relevant Framework for Food Security and Nutrition as well as to Ministero degli Esteri and Ministero della Salute of the Italian Government, to Regione Lombardia’s Governor as nominee Executive Officer for Milan EXPO charged with the compliance of the event with the agreed programme approved by GIE.

Access to the state of art of draft of CIBO E SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE PER G 20, August 1, is available.