全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Chapter 3 under health. When talking about MIYCN, programs are only focusing on the mother and the child forgeting that the mother comes from a social system where there are many key decsision makers who dtermine the infant feeding practises to be adopted. Include grandmothers and fathers for the success of the MIYCN programmes.

Under anaemia, my experience is that alot of iron/folate supplements are given to the pregnant mothers. The issue of utilisation has not been addressed properly. some health workers just give out the supplements without clear information on utilisation  and therefore the mothers may not utilise the supplements. Best ways of addressing utilisation shuold be explored.

In health education, as we plan to target schools, it is also worhty noting that in some areas, schools going may not be a prioirity for the children. Include also sunday schools, duksis/ madrasas if we target children.

Thank you