全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear friends,

Thank you for the oportunity to suggest an idea to simultaneously address these fundamentally important objectives. In properly nourishing the young, empowering women in all phases of their lives, and teaching the next generation how to farm & garden, everyone's future is decided.

I have been privileged to help build a wheel-chair accessibile demonstration project working with Farms and Gardens for the Disabled in northern California. Raising the soil three feet (one meter) off of the ground initiates a dynamic that performs many functions beyond just increasing food supply and enhancing nutrition.

Making gardening possible for people who are physically limited (i.e. by pregnancy, advanced age, disability) or otherwise unable to reach ground-level soils, also facilitates the exchange of a critical legacy of spiritual connection to the Earth, passion for the miracles to be found in a garden, and the echange of knowledge that is possible between the generations -- all, simply by providing accesss to the soil. 

On a purely practical level, the community workforce can be expanded, production increased, resource diversity and efficiency maximized. 

Please feel invited to visit the project on-line, and make contact, for any ideas that may be inspired by the innovation and determination of Mr. and Mrs. Loskot's organic, accessible farm.

Farms and Gardens for the Disabled


Blessings to all,


Weed, California