全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Vincenzo Lo Scalzo

Agorá Abrosiana

Dear Moderator,

That's a very large and ample topic to be answered, and it would take a long report of the relevant cases that would deserve a citation.

If I assume that food security is much larger that the protection of Food Quality per se because the definition of Security goes far beyond "safety"  "risk "  "conservation" etc, I feel that the scope - well defined in the topic note - is to provide a useful and usable series of suggestions for the training of the actors involved along the long chain from the field to the family table.

I have personally dealt with these issues during a round table that AgoraAmbrosiana, my debate organization, organized five years ago in Milan at the Società Umanitaria - Arte da Mangiare, with the Mercati Generali Milanesi SOGEMI SpA, one of the largest structure for food distribution in northern Italy.

The adopted procedures are debated in Europe every year, and major contacts are kept by the responsible managers and assistants to accompany, to protect the efficiency of statistical controls, of conditions of handling, reception, conservation, transport and finally distribution to the final consumer.

I suggest that in case of interest, to explore elements for the edition of the proposed documents, a full list of the present suggestions of practice should be collected and tested for their efficiency.

I'm personally in frequent contacts with the head responsible of SOGEMI Sicurezza, and take the occasion to inform that today (link: http://www.italiafruit.net/DettaglioNews/20540/mercati-e-imprese/sogemi-firmato-un-protocollo-per-la-sicurezza-nei-mercati-generali-formalizzata-lintesa-con-prefettura-sindacati-e-operatori) a general agreement has been signed to cope with the environmental conditions that play their role in the posted issue. I will be proud to bring the most pertinent and important issues that emerge from this discussion to his attention.

The Milan EXPO could become a spot for a meeting or moment of information on the issue.

I feel positively inclined to believe that the top Management of SOGEMI - Mercati Milanesi will support the aim of such an endeavour. Security aspects are certainly primary drivers to guide the proper value raw materials in manmade trade. My personal experience with half century practice in global Chemical Industrial Chemistry is in resonance!

Sincerely yours

Dr Vincenzo Lo Scalzo - Lo SCalzo Associates AgoraAmbrosiana - Milano - Mandelieu

February 4th, 2015