全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

I would first of all like to applaud the United Nations for the Decade of Action on Nutrition. I expect to see a huge difference in the way malnutrition is fought globally, regionally and country-wise because with the engaged and “in-your-face” backing of the UN in the struggle to do away with malnutrition, I believe most governments (especially those that weren’t involved as much before) will be more open to considering taking part in interventions that show participation in this Decade of Action on Nutrition. Granted it might just be for show, but that will still be better than no commitment or participation at all.
The activities I believe require acceleration and taking into serious account especially in my country:
• Commitment (/action) to implementing policies put in place. Uganda has of the best written policies but implementation is minimal, at best, and non-existent, most times. Holding governments accountable will go a very long way in ensuring we see some action.
• Right information in the right hands: Nutrition has received some good publicity of late but unfortunately the information is mostly in the hands of those who are already aware. Also the public is very skeptical about the little that has leaked out to them. Communication tactics that simplify the information passed but at the same time pass on information relevant to the people to which the messages are being passed. This concept of generalized information needs to change especially for countries like Uganda where certain individuals use the platforms to pass along information that doesn’t work for everyone.
• Urbanization, increasing income, growing populations and climate change: we tend to focus a lot on the “old” issues: poverty, diseases, poor sanitation and so on. The new problems are not being put into contest or they are being totally ignored. While making policies during this decade of action, we have to put into account these problems of the 21st century in catering to how we will see about the future diets.