全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Xavio Dominique Imbabazi

University of Rwanda-College of Agriculture ,Animal sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Good Morning,

I am Xavio from Rwanda.

Agriculture is one of the most preferred domain from which a big percentage of people in Africa earn a decent wage. It is also a sector that provides food for families. However, this sector faces with a big challenge of traditionalism in a world where modernization is highly needed to feed an ever increasing population.  Africa is highly blessed with its big and naturally fertile land which, once wisely exploited can lead to a permanent food security.  But, if we look at some techniques such as land preparation, fertilization, irrigation, plant protection, seeding and post harvesting, all of them are poor in almost all countries in Africa.

Researches on this continent don't give results that immediately help farmers improve their lives, this might probably due to a low quality of education. Every year, a big number of graduates are released from different universities but it is shameful how most of them do not want to go to farms but to sit in offices and sign documents as if they are secretaries. Additionally, most of them think of getting jobs instead of thinking of how to creatively start small businesses in agriculture that can contribute to the development of on farm trials and job creation.

All in all, this continent has a lot constraints in agriculture domain, but if we can make  our graduates farmers instead of supervisors, we can promote a research based agriculture where we will not feel happy for one step and feel satisfied but keep working hard for more advanced results.


Thank you.

Imbabazi Dominique Xavio,

Engineer in Horticulture from University of Rwanda-College of Agriculture ,Animal sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

Expert in vermiculture and vermicomposting


Skype: imbabazi.dominique