全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear all,

In  India, over 85% of the small holders own less than 1 ha land, which is further getting fragmented due to division in the family particularly among brothers. This makes mechanization difficult along with problems in Connecting Smallholders to Markets. Moreover, many landless livestock keepers contribute milk, meat & eggs- supplying much needed Animal sourced foods-protein & other micronutrients essntial for human health & well being. Can we think of Collective farming, farmer producer organizations to remedy the situation & making agriculture profitable to small holders. I know collective farming is easier to say but difficult to put into practice, unless there is lot of common sense among the stakeholders. We also have problems of small landholding scattered here & there, not at one place, making farming even more stressful. Land consolidation may resolve this, but again it is a teething problem. These are some of the basic issues, if we could resolve them, we can expect contributing to sustainability of small farms.


Mahesh Chander