全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Fostina Mani

Betta Grains

Contribution received through the e-Agriculture platform

Question 1

  1. Governments need to update their existing website and provide up to date current information on their website.
  2. Governments need to make it very clear to their staff that research information on agricultural development does not belong to the individual staff members but belongs to the citizens of those countries, therefore such information must be made accessible to the public in a timely manner and efficient manner.
  3. Many Government signed and agreed on Open Data Portal for purposes of making information access to the public.  Many Government continue to not avail or update  agricultural data and information which is essential for the citizens and other in making information discussion in agricultural production and trade.

Question 2

  1. The Digital Council will certainly help in pushing that Government are uphold  their committment to various agreeement especially with regard to digital agriculture.  The Digital Council is well placed to speak to the Government at a much higher policy level than the average citizen.
  2. The Digital Council will certainly be a voice for the many small holder farmers, youth, private sector and many development partners who want to transform Food and Agricultural across the globe.
  3. The Digital Council will help draft policies that have the interest of government and all other stockholders, especially since many governments especially those from the developing countries lack the necessary skills, expertise, and technologies to address the various issue the Digital Council can.

Question 3

Yes the are.  I however would like to caution that the Digital Council does not use a copy paste type approach, because all developing countries are not the same.  They come with different cultures and solutions.  While the over arching goal is one, the approaching will certainly be different.  I suggest you engage private sector, rural farmers, women and youth.  Allow them to have a voice, otherwise the council will be meeting expert who have theoritical knowledge however greatly luck implementation experience.  We don't want to end up with solutions that cannot be easily adopted because those who are affected where never involved in the first place.

The roles identified above do not seem to have private sector involvement yet the private sector a huge stakeholder.

Question 4

All Ministers of Agricultural, Trade, and Other Related ministries should be part of the council, and should be held responsible by their Government or Presidents in ensuring that all countries implement whatever discussions are reached by the Council, so we don’t have some countries ahead of others.  The Internet has made the world one global market, we need to ensure that we are all on the same page especially with regard to food production and agricultural markets.  From the governance structure above it is not clear how that will happen.  There is need for  more clarity on the nature and the role of the working group.  What will their be doing, what will their represenation look like etc.

Question 5

  1. Please ensure that Private Sector, Smallholder Farmers, Women and Youth are represented, it is not unusual to find out they are forgotten in these high level consultative meetings and discussions especially in the working groups.  
  2. Cyber Security should also be discussed extensively.