全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


Key elements fo successful participatory monitoring are:  participation of local actors, different genders and ages in the analysis and long term process.  It needs to be flexible enough to permit returning to the indicators several times in time and reviewing what has been evaluted before. The process needs to have a lot of discussion on what is being measure and how each community perceives the situation. 

It is a beautiful experience, and ever learning momment and a collective effort to move forward. We have evaluated the local initiatives of small scale fishers for several times now and it is always a learning process, a true moment, were we realized with them that maybe the changes are still going very slow.

The design and implemetnaiton of a monitoring system should be done by practical field technitians and local ssf community leaders, the process should be a learning one in practical sense and move on with the timing of the particular communities we are working with from my point of view.