全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Reading the draft Guidelines has inspired The Fisheries Law Centre and its members. The Guidelines captured the interest of our members not only because FLC was founded specifically to fill a gap in the field of fisheries law, but also because FLC focuses on the livelihood of small-scale fisheries and coastal communities globally through ensuring they have meaningful access to justice. We believe that the success of the proposed guidelines will depend in part on whether SSFs enjoy meaningful access to the law. Historically, the legal community around the world has often helped to guarantee rights for a variety of marginalized groups. We will adopt the Guidelines in the spirit in which they were developed and incorporate their provisions which will no doubt resonate in our work for years to come. With that enthusiasm, we are delighted to participate in this consultation and look forward to playing an active role in the implementation process and beyond. 


      Adam Soliman, MSc., JD, LLM 
      Director, The Fisheries Law Centre
      Tel: (778) 838 5505 
      Address: 183 - 8623 Granville Street
      Vancouver, BC V6P 5A2 Canada