全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Open discussion on the first draft work programme of the UN Decade:  

      Goals such as the ending hunger or malnutrition in all their forms seem to be not really compelling. Also should be different approach between hunger, malnutrition and food security in terms of nutrition and food availability.

      Nutrition Decade addresses to important topics but tools for SMART achievements on the engagement and support all thereof are generally. For instance, at paragraphs 17 and 18 is pointed out that an approach will ensure that solutions are equitable and people-centred and in the same time the priorities and specific actions will depend on the interest expressed by potential actors. What happens if stakeholders have not resources or interests to do it?


      Overall I positive appreciate the areas of the actions, which are comprehensive and succeed many of problems related sustainable food system, health and nutrition, social protection and education to be carried out for changing/improving food consumption models.


      Alexandrina Sirbu

      Professor, PhD -

      "Constantin Brancoveanu" University

      FMMAE Ramnicu Valcea

      39 Nicolae Balcescu Bld.

      240210 Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea County - Romania


    • Dear all,

      It is a nice idea and a lot of topics to be addressed. In many countries the nutrition goes to thorough knowledge as health science; but in the same time remains a part of food security. Promote the nutrition sensitive agriculture in agricultural HE institutions means to prepare a new class of policy makers and / or in-depth study of added value of the quality and range of agro-food goods in order to improve the awareness on diet and a better life style in terms of nutrition and wellbeing.