全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Lennox Lampkin

组织: SVG Chamber of Agriculture and Nutrition Inc.
国家: 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
I am working on:

Building capacity for rural agro producers (women)and creating opportunities for non chemical agriculture.

Developing media content (photos and film) for agricultural promotion


    • Lennox Lampkin

      SVG Chamber of Agriculture and Nutrition Inc.

      Bearing in mind that contaminated food cannot be considered nutritious we will be forced to review our definition of food and the manner in which same is consumed if we move the discussion from Food to Nutrition Security. There should also be an emphasis on FRESH unadulterated nutrition and a departure from increased production by any means necessary. This will also help to reduce our collective carbon footprint as local production will then be a priority.

      Indeed, such a review would also help to address the issue of climate change while boosting rural development as less food will be unnecessarily processed, stored and transported across the globe!

    • Lennox Lampkin

      SVG Chamber of Agriculture and Nutrition Inc.

      It is my view that "Food Security" as is generally presented (lack of food or access to food)is probably one of the most misguided myths of our time... The real Food Security issues should be dealing with food contamination both accidental and deliberate and not with the belly full of unwholesome meals that lack the nutritional balance to keep us healthy!

      Hence, the term food security as is presented should really be redefined as Nutrition Security and Food Sovereignty as that more aptly fits the challenges of peoples around the globe. If Nutrition is secure then we need not deal with food being secure as that will be adequately addressed. On the other hand dealing with secure food as we know it can lead to massive mal-nutrition, dependence and ultimately a global epidemic of food and lifestyle related diseases.