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    • How to improve communications for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Africa.

      Written by Malik Olatunde Oduoye.

      Member of Antimicrobial Resistance Stewardships, Optimum Access and Use, Uganda.


      First of all, I will like to commend the efforts of the Tripartite members responsible for AMR control in African Region, including the African Union (African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention – Africa CDC, African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources - AU-IBAR) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) for their collaborative efforts towards the combat against Antimicrobial Resistance in African communities in a holistic continental One Health approach.

      Talking about Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and inappropriate Antimicrobial Usage (AMU) in Africa, I think the biggest communication challenge poor individual understanding of antimicrobial usage at the grass-roots. Most individuals do not have the forehand knowledge of antimicrobial usage.

      Hence, tackling antimicrobial resistance in African communities requires multi-sectoral approach and strategic measures. To achieve maximal, improve in communication for AMR, below are my views and opinions.

      Firstly, I think the best approach to communicate about other antimicrobials in addition to antibiotic resistant bacteria is through a very strong Advocacy and Campaigns about these antimicrobial agents through reaching out to:

      Each household in the African Communities, by communicating with them about the dangers of AMR in their local languages. Through this, there will be proper understanding about AMU and AMR. As we all know that ‘Charity begins at home’

      The community and Religious leaders in all African Communities. I believe these set of human beings can also talk and preach to the community members about AMU and AMR especially during community meetings and religious gatherings. Africans listen well to their community leaders and Religious Leader.

      Among the African Schools, that is, elementary, basic, high, and tertiary institutions. AMU and AMR should be included in the academic curriculum. Also, seminars on AMU and AMR should be held at regular intervals for the student s and also the teachers. This will give more room for better understanding about antimicrobials.

      Government and Non-Governmental agencies in all African States. These are key bodies in policy and advocacy making. I believe they can regulate the dispensing of antimicrobials in all the African States, towns and Villages across the various health care facilities and inter-professionals that is, the physicians, pharmacists, veterinary doctors, agriculturists, nurses etc. Also, these policy makers should give a strict law on irrational dispensing of antimicrobials by all the aforementioned health care professionals and placing punishments on whoever break the law. Also, use of Over The Counter Drugs (OTCs) should be minimized.

      Still on the government and non-governmental bodies. The Tripartite members responsible for AMR control in African Region should advocate for more sophisticated and modernized and a well-organized, equipped health care centers to be constructed in all African communities with more health care workers. This will increase the willingness of a common and average man to seek appropriate health care, with optimal health care access and will also reduce the abuse of drugs especially antimicrobials.

      Inter-professional health organizations and collaborations should be encouraged among all African States in order to achieve ONE HEALTH approach in solving AMR. It is sad and obvious that most African Health Organizations do not practice proper and organized Inter-professional health care especially in the management of patients.

      Strong considerations of Animal Health. Majority of African States, for example, Nigeria, do not really much efforts and priorities in good and proper care of the Animals. Most Animals are left untreated each time they are infected with a disease, and by so doing, human beings could be infected, and prompting him or her to the abuse of antimicrobials.

      In addition to my first answers, the ways I think we could get the topic of AMR included more often in the media with more visibility of AMR amongst other “hot topics” include the following:

      Creating an accessible social media application for all the African Community members. For example, “AMR- APP FOR ALL”. This this social media can be installed on our phones, laptops. Making AMR and AMU discussions to be easily taught among the African

      All African Health Students should also be incorporative in the media strategic measures and campaigns for AMR amongst other “hot topics”. They will also benefit from the Media APP also.

      However, more suitable communication channels, methods and mechanisms that I think will have the greatest impact at the field in African Communities include:

      Religion Channels

      Youth Organizations and Forums

      Family meetings and discussions

      Social Media Networks especially WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and twitter.

      Note: All kind of method, ideas, mechanisms should also be interpreted to most common African languages e.g. Swahili, French, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, etc. As this will improve proper and better communication for AMR.

      Speaking about the group of Stakeholders to be considered as the priority for targeted key messages, aiming at raising awareness on excessive Antimicrobial Use (AMU) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), I think it is necessary to include the community and religious leaders, primary and high school teachers, university students especially those studying health related courses, including the lecturers among the stakeholders in combating AMR. As this will go along way in reducing the excessive AMU and AMR.

      As for the leadership and responsibility roles, I think the key health care professionals, that is the Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Veterinary Physicians, including other prominent health care personnels should be appointed for the awareness and advocacy activities on AMR and AMR at national, regional and continental levels. As this create more strong and effective combat against AMR.