全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • 2.Women play so many vital roles in sustainability of the soil. They are the careful gender that are intrested in farming.

      3.It is inscribed in the DNA of every African man whether minor or adult to always put women aside and not allow their voice and suggestion to be heard.Those that ask for the female gender opinion have already make their decision.This is been extentended sometimes whenever there is innovations in farming system, this men done times do not want these women who use the soil more to learn and implement such changesHence, ignorance continues and sustainability is not achieved


      Extension workers should focus more on women, search for them and encourage them

      The male gender need to be given proper orientation on the value of women and gender equality

      The female child should given both moral and formal education

    • In underdeveloped countries where poverty is the order of the day, people find it hard to purchase eggs. People feed and purchase food based on the quantity and not the quality. I think if youths who are intrested in poultry bussiness are supported with grants , subsidized and improved feeds then the cost of eggs will be reduced and accessible for the masses. Also there should be an interaction between the gown and town i.e. researches in the university should not just been dumped on supervisors shelf but extended to farmers.Thanks

    • 1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector

      I believe that Agriculture is the backbone of an economy. I am a Plant Breeder. I am very interested in agriculture and that was what made me to apply as NAGRO volunteer in the ongoing NPOWER Programme in my Country Nigeria. So far I have gathered a lot of experience through trainings and seminars organized during this programme. I know some youths who have started farming and earning some money through this programme. In the near future I am planning to go into large scale farming. The only challenge now is the continuity of this programme which will be terminated very soon. Continuity and follow up with youths should be discussed in this conference. Also Youths need to be encouraged with loans to carry out their plans. If the Youths are encouraged to start something on their own, then our problems are half solved.
