全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


Sahel Food Crisis 2012 - A Cyclical or Exceptional Crisis?

A new food and nutrition crisis is hitting the African Sahel, affecting the poorest African countries. A total of 18 million people between Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, the Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal are in urgent need for assistance to meet basic needs such as water, food...


Africa Human Development Report 2012

The 2012 Human Development Report for Africa explores why dehumanizing hunger remains pervasive in the region, despite abundant agricultural resources, a favorable growing climate, and rapid economic growth rates. It also emphasizes that food security – the ability to consistently acquire enough...


Climate-Responsive Social Protection

In the years ahead, development efforts aiming at reducing vulnerability will increasingly have to factor in climate change, and social protection is no exception. This paper sets out the case for climate‐responsive social protection and proposes a framework with principles, design features, and...


Gender and climate change research in agriculture and food security for rural development

The guide is an important resource for development professionals and researchers working with households and communities. The objective of the gender and climate training guide is to address the lack of information on how men and women adapt to, and mitigate climate change. The Participatory Action...


Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals

This fact sheet highlights the progress of rural women against key Millennium Development Goal (MDG) indicators, pointing to some of the advancements made and gaps that still exist. It few exceptions, rural women fare worse than rural men and urban women and men for every MDG indicator for which...


粮食及农业状况 2010-2011年

农业中的女性 : 填性别鸿沟 促农业发展 在所有发展中国家地区,妇女对农村经济作重大贡 献。妇女的这一作用因地区而异,然而,妇女获取提高生产力所需资源和机会的手段总是比男人的少。增加妇女获取土地、牲畜、教育、金融服务、推广、技术和农 村就业的手段,将提高妇女的生产力,促进农业增产、粮食安全、经济增长和社会福利。仅在农业投入物方面缩小性别差距这一项,就能使一亿到一点五亿人摆脱贫 困。缩小性别差距没有现成蓝图,但有些基本原则普遍适用:政府、国际社会和民间社会应携手努力,按法律规定消除歧视,促进资源获取手段和机会的平等,确保 农业政策和计划考虑性别问题,聆听妇女作为可持续发展平等伙伴的声音...