Greenhouses of health: How to improve a schoolchild’s diet
This photo-book was prepared by the Social and Industrial Food Service Institute from Moscow (Russian Federation) during the implementation of the pilot “School food and nutrition program linked to the agricultural sector” in the Armenian Republic. The pilot is a part of the comprehensive project...
The power of unity: Schools and farmers are helping each other
This photo-book was prepared by the Social and Industrial Food Service Institute from Moscow (Russian Federation) during the implementation of the pilot “School food and nutrition program linked to the agricultural sector” in the Kyrgyz Republic. The pilot is a part of the comprehensive project...
The green world under the dome: Vegetables from a seedbed to school canteen
This photo-book was prepared by the Social and Industrial Food Service Institute from Moscow (Russian Federation) during the implementation of the pilot “School food and nutrition program linked to the agricultural sector” in the Tajik Republic. The pilot is a part of the comprehensive project...

Fresh tomatoes for lunch – the schoolchildren celebrate the first harvest

13 June, 2018, Ararat region, Armenia – The staff and pupils of Vedi secondary school where all present today at school, despite the fact that the school year is over and pupils enjoy their summer holidays. The reason was more than justified – the greenhouse gave the first harvest! There was tasty food, Armenian national dances and admiration, which was seen in everyone’s eyes.
This greenhouse is the smallest in size from the three established in Ararat marz within the framework of Russian Funded “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia” project implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), in technical partnership with the Russian Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute (SIFI).
Compared to its size, the harvest was very rich, for which, of course, a big credit goes to the caring staff and pupils of the school.
The principal of the school Mrs. Papoyan expressed her gratitude to FAO and SIFI for the valuable work done and for the willingness and kindness to help her in realization of the dream project. “Words cannot express the feelings that I have today, and how much thankful I am to all of you for your support and input in this hard work”, she said. “Our pupils have the chance to taste the fresh grown vegetables throughout the whole year, which will add up to their nutritional value and dietary diversity”.
“We are happy to be here to celebrate the first harvest from the greenhouse, which is the result of dedicated work and productive cooperation of the school staff, FAO of the UN and SIFI project teams” said Ms. Zaruhi Beglaryan, National Project Coordinator of the FAO project. “We do hope that vegetables produced in the greenhouse will help to improve diversity and fulfil nutrition requirements of schoolchildren’s diets”.
At the end of the event the pupils, teachers and all invitees tasted the fresh tomatoes which were served together with cooked buckwheat – the hot meal of the day!

E-learning course on migration and youth in rural areas
This e-learning course provides a detailed description of the linkages between migration and rural development, with a specific focus on youth. The course also provides policy recommendations on how to maximize the positive impacts of rural migration and minimize the negative ones.
Youth and Agriculture: Key Challenges and Concrete Solutions
This publication provides real life examples on how to re-engage youth in agriculture. It shows how tailor-made educational programmes can provide rural youth with the skills and insights needed to engage in farming and adopt environmentally friendly production methods. Many of the initiatives and...
“青年 – 喂养未来。迎接15至17岁农村青年在准备和获得体面就业方面面临的挑战”概要
该文件对2016年4月25日至5月15日期间由粮农组织体面农村就业团队Jacqueline Demeranville主持举办的在线磋商上收到的118篇投稿进行了概要总结。
在阿布贾召开的联邦和各州部长及学校供膳利益相关者的一次特别会议上,尼日利亚副总统Yemi Osinbajo正式启动了该国的全国家庭种植学校供膳计划。
该家庭种植学校供膳计划是总金额5 000亿奈拉的“社会投资计划”的一部分,布哈里政府宣布的这项计划旨在解决贫困问题并改善儿童和其他弱势群体的健康和教育水平。该计划的学校供膳部分全面落实之后,目的是支持各州向2 400多万在校儿童集体提供膳食,这将成为非洲最大的学校供膳计划。
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