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Social farming (also called care farming): an innovative approach for promoting women’s economic empowerment, decent rural employment and social inclusion. What works in developing countries?

Social farming (also called care farming) is an innovative approach for promoting women’s economic empowerment, rural employment and the social inclusion of vulnerable people. The aim of the discussion is to gather examples of the use of care farming in developing countries. 




Paths out of Poverty (video)

This video follows the stories of beneficiaries of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Scheme in the Mchinji district, exploring the impact of cash transfers on their livelihoods. FAO-led From Protection to Production (PtoP) project is evaluating the impact of cash transfers on economic and social development of beneficiaries and their communities.


Indigenous methods of food preparation: what is their impact on food security and nutrition?

Communities use knowledge that is passed from generation to generation to prepare their food. Each technique and has its very peculiar implications on the socio-economic dynamics of a typical rural household. Can we consider indigenous methods of food preparation as a viable means for achieving food security and nutrition in rural poor communities?