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Webinars and workshops

Webinar series on food systems, nutrition, social protection and migration

The FAO Project "Developing capacity for strengthening food security and nutrition in selected countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia” funded by the Russian Federation is organizing a webinar series. 

Experts will provide in-depth information in the following four webinars:

  1. Nutrition-sensitive food systems (22 May 2019)
  2. Migration, remittances and matching grants (19 June 2019)
  3. Nutrition-sensitive social protection (17 July 2019)
  4. School food and nutrition programs (09 & 10 September 2019)

The webinars

1) Nutrition-sensitive food systems (22 May 2019)

Elena Belova and Evgeny Tsvetnov, Senior Researchers Fellow at Eurasian Center for Food Security and associate professors at the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation, presented the lecture ”Nutrition-sensitive food systems”.

The recording of the webinar is available here (in Russian)

The write-up of the Q&A session is available here


2) Migration, remittances and matching grants (19 June 2019) 

Irina Ivakhnyuk, member of the Global Migration Policy Associates, presented an overview on migration and remittances and its impact on the rural poverty and the agricultural sector.

Eldar Kelemetov, senior researcher at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for the Organization of Production, Labor and Management in Agriculture, presented the findings from the research on “Migrants’ remittances as a resource for agricultural development of households in Tajikistan”  and from a survey conducted among households in Tajikistan and the Tajik diaspora in Russia.

Jahonghir Dehkonov, Matching Grant Specialist at the FAO Country office in Tajikistan, presented the model of matching grants for migrants currently being implemented in Tajikistan.

Iulia Costin, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova, presented the PARE 1+1 money transfer programme

The recording of the webinar is available here (in Russian)

The write-up of the Q&A session is available here


3) Nutrition-sensitive Social Protection (17 July 2019)

Mari Kangasniemi, Social Protection Officer in the Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division of FAO, introduced the topic and concept of nutrition-sensitive social protection.

Karina Levina, Junior Professional Officer at the FAO country office in Kyrgyzstan presented the rationale, approach and components of the pilot project “Productive social contract / Cash+ currently being implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Susanna Karapetyan, Social Protection Consultant at the FAO country office in Armenia, presented the Cash + pilot currently being implemented in Armenia.

The recording of the webinar is available here (in Russian)


4) School Food and Nutrition Programmes - examples from the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe (09 September 2019)

  1. The experience of the Russian Federation in the organization of school food programmes. Presenter: Vladimir Chernigov, Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute (SIFI), the Russian Federation.
  2. Legal aspects of the organization and running of school meals and school gardening in Kyrgyzstan with a Logistic Center example. Presenter: Kurmanbek Turdaliev, FAO Kyrgyzstan.
  3. The school food programme and the development of the nutrition education curriculum in Tajikistan. Presenter: Sherali Rakhmatullaev, FAO Tajikistan.
  4. The school food and nutrition programme in Armenia with a greenhouse example. Presenter: Zaruhi Beglaryan, FAO Armenia.

The recording of the webinar is available here (in Russian)


5) School Food and Nutrition Programmes – FAO global approaches and good practices from Brazil and France (10 September 2019)

  1. FAO’s School Food and Nutrition Framework. Presenter: Diana Carter, FAO, Italy.
  2. Socio-economic Considerations of School Food and Nutrition. Presenter: Judith Hitchman, URGENCI, France
  3. Good practice from Brazil: Biodiversity in School Food in the City of Sao Paulo. Presenter: Luiz Henrique Bambini de Assis, Municipal Secretariat of Education of the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
  4. Good practice from France: School Food Programme in Mouans-Sartoux. Presenter: Lea Sturton, Municipality of Mouans-Sartoux

The recording of the webinar is available here (in English)