Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

This member contributed to:

    • Contributions of Hungary

      With regard to the text as a whole, we would like to point out that the problem is not gender norms in general, since many of them are positive. It is important to fight against the negative ones, so we would like to suggest that you consider the use of the term negative gender norms. Regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, we recommend the use of SDG language (SRH+RR+ICPD/Beijing).

      Point 17.

      It is difficult for Member States to consider as core principle texts which have not been discussed/agreed with them. A good example is General Recommendation No. 34.

      Point 25.

      It is misleading that the text contains both the terms sex and gender disaggregated, the international agreed language is sex disaggregated data.

      Point 27.

      The international agreed language is discrimination based on sex.

      Point 37.

      Quotas are not included in the relevant documents adopted by Member States. We believe that proper education helps to empower women, rather than imposing a mandatory quota.