Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

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    • I am from Georgia/Caucasus. For us is very important  participate to preparatory technical meeting which is to be held 13-15 November 2013, and to ICN2 at FAO Headquarters, in Rome, 19-21 November 2014.

      We work for development on themes to improve nutrition throughout the lifecycle, focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable households, and on women, infants and young children, recognizing the nutrition transition and its consequences.

      I am delighted to see this discussion of Social Protection to Protect and Promote Nutrition. It has been very good, but there is a point that deserves more attention: the rural women/girls and young  children, vulnerable and emergency contexts. However, when you look at existing data for Georgia/Caucasus and the developing world in general, malnutrition seems to be on the increase although this is not true in some countries. Typically, this challenge is viewed as a structural problem, It is everyone's desire that malnutrition should be booted out of humanity. Only 10% of the rural women /girls and children of Georgia  has adequate social security coverage, and more than 90% has none. These  are exposed to risks in the workplace and benefit from inadequate or non-existent health care and social security. This coverage regards a wide range of possibilities: minimum income in case of need, medical care, sickness, old age and disability, unemployment, accidents at work, maternity leave, family responsibility, and death. There will nesessarely be many activities designed to improve their social protection.

      It is very interesting and positive that various international organizations join forces and knowledge to deal with synergy a global problem such as nutrition. I believe that this conference (ICN2) will draw new ideas and policies for the developing countries.

      Thank you,

      Marine Solomonishvili

      President of International Foundation LEA &

      Network of ethnic/religious minority women/girls (NGO)

      19 Nishnianidze str,Tbilisi0105,Georgia