Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

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    • This is very important topic because, in Afghanistan, most of organizations are working for the development of agriculture business in local communities and most of Afghan families are working with agriculture. Afghan women are working together with their family members and can bring changes to their economy.

      For the development of Afghan women in agriculture, Afghan women need to join the economic mainstream, they need education, skills and self-confidence. Their families must support their going to school and work. Their community must give them places to work and the country must provide the legal framework, institutions and ministries that support women's economic inclusion.

    • There is no specific policy for the preventing obesity in Afghanistan but in local communities some of food remidies are used for preventing and control obesity.

      These food should be avoided for controling obesity or during obesity:

      1.Red meat and processes meat.

      2.White bread and Whit rice.

      3.Potatos, White Pista and sweets.

      Strategies for preventin Obesity:

      1.Eat five or six serving of fruit or vegetables daily.

      2.Exercise regulary especially up and down using of stairs.





    • Obesity has become a major global health challenge due to established health risks and substantial increase in  prevalence. Being a complex condition it contributes to burden of chronic diseases by affecting all ages and socioeconomic groups. This study aims to indentify the prevalence of obesity and blood lipid profile and their associated factors in Afghanistan.

      A cross-sectional study was conducted in Jalalabad within May-June 2013. Multistage random sampling technique was used to enroll 1200 adults of 25-65 Years. Physical measurement including height, weight and blood pressure was collected and blood samples were drawn in fast condition for biochemical measurement including blood lapids. Obesity was defined and categorized using body mass index. Descriptive and inferential analyses were erformed using SPSS v.20.

      Approximately one third of adult population in Jalalabad city is suffering from obesity which is a cause of concern. Blood lipid profile is either borderline or more that average among study participants which could contribute to non-communicable disease. Measures such as raising awareness and lifestyle modification may help to reduce the burden of obesity the adults.