Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

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    • In Swaziland there is a programme that are aimed at physical fitness. The country currently has no policy or any legislative framework to prevent obesity. The programme that is currently running is referred to as Shukuma Swaziland in the local language which means be active and exercise Sweaziland. This programme is running throughout the whole country and is supported by the government of the country. In this programme people are encouraged and given practical exercises that are aimed at keeping the populace fit. Followin this programme people have established gym clubs at local level.

      The programme encouraging the nation to exercise is targeted at people of all ages. The success factors include the numbers that attend the awareness raising day and the number of clubs being formed after this day.

      Challenges include lack of facilities to continue the exercises after the facilitators are gone. The government gives the areas some start up kits but these are not adequate. Since the programme is new, there still is a challenge that has not yet been seen that of what happens when these kits get old or need repair and maintenance.

      Schools have a programme for pupils to participate in schools athletic competitions in the first months of the year and ball games are played during the second stanza of the academic year.

      There has not been any research to check the impact of these programmes especially the one that has just been introduced. Evaluation of the impacts thereof are still to be undertaken.

      Awareness raising needs to be intensified with programmes over the national radio and television. Capacity for trainers within the locality should be built to ensure sustainability of the programmes and close monitoring and evaluation to measure success.