Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Member profile

Dr. Ranga Rao Ambati

Organization: Vignans foundation for Science, Technology and Research Deemed to be University
Country: India
I am working on:
Algal biotechnology, Food Biotechnology, Functional foods, Nutraceuticals, Plant secondary metabolites,

Ambati Ranga Rao Ph.D. is a senior scientist and associate professor in the Department of Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology, and Research, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is also serving as Director for the Centre of Excellence. He is involved in teaching cum research for graduate and undergraduate students. Recently, he is listed in the Top 2% of the World`s Scientists reported by Stanford University, USA for the past five consecutive years.

He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications including research articles, reviews, edited books and book chapters, 80 International/national conferences/symposia/invited talks/FDPs/workshops/QIP-short-term courses, and refresher courses.  His research citations exceed 6000 with an h-index (27) and i10-index (54) in Google Scholar. He has delivered lectures as an invited speakers at international/national conferences/symposia in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Oman.  He has edited Nine (9) books (CRC Press, Academic Press, Springer Nature, Wiley publishers) as editor and co-editor, namely, Sustainable Global Resources of Seaweeds: Industrial Perspectives-Volume-I; Bioresources, cultivation, trade, and multifarious applications; Sustainable Global Resources of Seaweeds: Industrial Perspectives-Volume II: Food, pharmaceutical and health applications. Handbook of Algal Technologies and Phytochemicals: Volume-I Food, Health, and Nutraceutical Applications; Handbook of Algal Technologies and Phytochemicals: Volume II Phycoremediation, Biofuels, and Global Biomass Production; and Global Perspectives on Astaxanthin: from Industrial Production to Food, Health, and Pharmaceutical Application;

He was honored with the several awards by The World Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the International Union of Food Science and Technology, Canada , Gordon Research Conferences, the National Environmental Science Academy,  and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Govt. of India, New Delhi. He is a lifetime member of several scientific societies. He has received research grants and travel grant fellowships as both international and national awards. He is also serving as an editorial board member, guest editor for special issues, and reviewer for reputed international and national journals.