Hello everyone,

Thank you for the work and find my inputs below and attached.

Theory of Change

1-Do the barriers identified reflect your experience as Community Based Organizations (CBOs) / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), private sector and local communities (women, men, youth, indigenous peoples)? Are there key barriers that are missing in TOC? Yes, but I suggest some inputs in :

  • Drivers:
    • Industrialisation
    • Change in behaviour
  • Impacts:
    • Disturbance in social cohesion
  • Barriers:
    • Inadequate use of knowledge on innovations

2-Do the first level Outcomes appropriate and adequate for transformation of food systems’ impacts on the environment?

Draft results framework

3-Are the Outcomes planned appropriate and adequate for food systems transformation?

4-What could be examples of types of intervention and outputs that could ensure stronger engagement and ensure capacities of CBOs/ NGOs, the private sector, and communities (including women, men, and youth, indigenous peoples) to continue food systems transformation? We should think about how to secure the agricultural lands.

5-What might be specific contributions of each stakeholder group to the achievement of the components?

Program Components

Program Outcomes

Examples of types of intervention and outputs


3.2 Sustainable and resilient approaches[1] are mainstreamed and applied on the ground in farming, livelihood and landscape management systems, in target geographies and food systems at scale

Core Indicators:

  • 3. Area of land restored
  • 4. Area of landscapes under improved practices (excluding protected areas)
  • Area of land and landscapes secured
  • 6. Greenhouse gas emission mitigated
  • 11. Number of small-scale producers and rural people with improved livelihoods (including women, the poor and other disadvantaged groups) disaggregated by gender as co-benefit of GEF investment
  • Innovative food production and nature-based farm/landscape management practices (with sustainable and regenerative agriculture, sustainable livestock, and aquaculture as entry points) implemented adaptively and scaled out
  • Enhanced technical support/outreach programs for ,farmers providing them with alternatives for sustainable production and for agroecosystem management and restoration, using the Farmer Support System toolkit
  • Integrated and participatory capacity enhancement programs for farm families, enabling them to apply environmentally sustainable production practices, including action research/learning, farmer field schools and farmer-to-farmer exchanges, farmer business schools.

1] To sustainable and regenerative agriculture, livestock and aquacultu

 Harouna OUEDRAOGO from Burkina Faso