
Regarding your request for information for SOFA 2024: Chemical agriculture has failed as food is depleted in nutrients and soils, as well as being toxic & acidified, are depleted in organic matter, moisture, microbes & worms.

My 2018 meta-analysis showed average loss by about 83% - https://www.mdpi.com/2571-8789/2/2/33/htm .

Other meta-analyses found non-organic food depleted by up to 50% in nutrients with higher toxins & heavy metal burden - doi: 10.1017/S0007114514001366 ; DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2021.1981831.

Crop yields - despite counterclaims - are the same, or lower, in chemical farming which has been well proven at Rohamsed - https://vermecology.wordpress.com/2023/08/29/critical-decline-of-minera… .

Regarding SDGs, these will continue to fail without proper and solid soil foundation. Image source – https://vermecology.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/image-27.png from https://vermecology.wordpress.com/2021/03/09/triage-time/. Official global SDGs mention “soil” only twice in passing – www.globalgoals.org/goals/15-life-on-land/ (“forest” gets 15 hits, “water” 4!); many of the deadlines are by 2020 and all have failed.

Soil erosion & species extinction rates are now at extremes which should be priority issues.

Regards, Rob Blakemore PhD; VermEcology.