Ali Dolloso

Occupy UN 4 Animals
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I am writing regarding animal agriculture.  Very little has been said by UNFAO regarding animal welfare in #Food. 

If the people in charge of UNFAO and OIE really saw what went on in the world, perhaps they would speak to governments about it much more.  In the opening statement for the SDGs it does say all animals are sentient and all animals deserve protection.  However not much more has been said since especially by FAO.

Why do animal rights organisations and activists always have to send petitions to government's on the horrible issues like boiling alive, dismembering alive, steaming alive, live export where animals die from heat, dairy calves freezing to death, force feeding?  Governments should have been humane and banned these things decades ago.  None of these animal production methods are green or have anything to do with the OIE Terrestrial Code or EU 5 Freedoms.  The animal rights organisations send in thousands of letters to governments for help. But the governments ignore it time and time again.   In the EU they have the 5 Freedoms, yet ducks and geese are force fed, using an ancient Egypt method that cause their back sides to split open and the torture goes on for weeks and octopus are cooked alive. The governments don't care about animal welfare, if they did they would pay attention to the petitions sent in. But they ignore them.  It would help if the UNFAO and the OIE were much more vocal about the atrocities that occur.  And the UNFAO had a proper pact that governments signed up to on animal welfare. Not just in food. But animals are used everywhere, fashion, medicine, sports, work. FAO should start it though.

The UN has forgotten to talk about sentient beings in the SDGs. Governments don't care. As FAODG says, Food System Transformation is required, especially with animal production(torture) yet dogs and cats are routinely boiled alive in China for food, using the traditional method by workers who are left behind using 2000 year old live processing.

Here is an idea:

Here are some of the issues, that the governments just ignore time and time again, In fact in USA, those that try to report on issues like live scalding and live dismemberment are considered terrorists. I hope the UNFAO carefully discuss each of these issues. And find a way to get governments to address it,. I believe the UN Animal Welfare Officer needs to take such issues to governments. Have a big meeting where they all watch the videos and agree on a pact. Otherwise there is no green agriculture. The UN will have failed on food production goals if all this continues on and on.


I repeat, if all of this carries on, then the SDGS is a failure because animal sentience comes over many of the squares, you just don't see it.