Niracha Wongchinda

The project team has done a good work on the zero draft.
However there are some comments particularly on 7. Recommendations should cover these topics:
National fisheries policies as stipulated in various national strategies for fisheries and aquaculture development and management have emphasized on the following directions:
• To have fishers and involving local organizations participate in fisheries administration, management and development.
• To increase knowledge and skill of the fishers for their self-reliance and viable occupation as well as to increase their capability in managing of their organizations.
• To maintain fisheries resources in harmony with sustainable utilization and without compromising the impact to environment, under joint administration and management by people, community, local organization, and government.
• To increase production from aquaculture sufficiently for domestic consumption.
• To accelerate research in supporting commercial aquaculture for increasing trade volume, quality standard and reducing cost of production.
• To develop sustainable aquaculture system for domestic trade as well as for export based on COC and GAP principle.
• To control and regulate fishing operation in compliance with agreements with other coastal States or joint-venture partners.
Yours sincerely,
Niracha Wongchinda
Department of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand