Dr. Mitiku Eshetu Guya

Haramaya University

I would like to comment inclusion of pastoral production in a broader way as they are the most economically vulnerable community to different natural, political and manmade shocks and hazards. Moreover, livestock production in the pastoral areas is tradition and focused on livestock number rather than their productivity. This leads to degradation of rangelands and reduces its carrying capacity. Facilities like road, water supply, feed production, veterinary service and market outlet are determinant factors to bring sustainable development in the pastoral areas of East Africa. Combating illegal livestock trade is also one of the major problems that make the pastoralists the least beneficiary from their livestock resources. The local livestock breeds are less productive but well adapted to the harsh environment and the traditional pastoral livestock management system. Giving prior attention for livestock genetic potential improvement through developing synthetic breed seems pertinent for sustainable livestock sector development. Last but not least is animal welfare at slaughter houses and abattoirs. This is critical especially while slaughtering camel in Jigjiga and Dire Dawa town of Ethiopia. In this practice first the camel hind leg is cut at knee to immobilize for slaughtering. This practice is inhumane and very cruel way of immobilizing life animal as the animal is conscious and fully feel the pain. I have attached pictures for your information.