Q3. Do you think that trends identified are the key ones in affecting FSN outcomes today that might help explain stalled progress on meeting SDG2 targets? Do you have additional data or information that could help refine the analysis of the interplay between these trends and FSN outcomes?

Yes, the trends identified and detailed in section 3 of V0 draft are key ones in affecting FSN outcomes. Truly, I would like to appreciate and thank scientists involved for their excellent work. However, in my view, still there are more key challenges which have serious bearing on FSN but not mentioned in the list here. Consequently, as to me some of the key challenges to FSN worth listing under section 3 of the V0 draft report include:

  1. Inadequate commitments of governments of some countries for Agri-sector
  2. Unfavorable agricultural policies in some countries
  3. Low capacity to prioritize, plan and effectively implement agricultural transformation strategies and projects for FSN at national and regional levels

Especially, these challenges qualify to be among key factors affecting FSN when it comes to sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) than other continents. But still, they should be considered among key challenges to Global FSN. This is because the majority of food and nutrition insecure people are found in SSA than any other continent in the world. Moreover, the challenge I have indicated as number one above is the most crucial to FSN due to the fact that the other two challenges listed above and some of the challenges listed in V0 drat are deep rooted in it. Thus, I suggest that the three challenges I mentioned above to be included as additional factors to those already listed under section 3 of V0 drat. Finally, I would like to bring to the attention of readers that if explanations or justifications are required to know as to why these challenges need to be included in the list, I will do it later in the future, please.