I think we need to expand to other countries the successful experiences of existing worldwide economic inclusion. In Brazil , for example , the creation of specific organs and councils with social participation has helped in building policies specific to women, such as credit limits for the production of food from their organizations ( PRONAF - woman). Agricultural marketing women have special treatment in the shares of the Food Acquisition Program . The National Plan of Policies for Women was built with the women's movement and has goals for gender equality and economic empowerment. Progress was made in granting titles to the land on behalf of women and process in the issuance of the Statement of Fitness for Pronaf , essential for access to government subsidies. The Thousand Women Program empowers women to professions seen as masculine , such as construction , drivers , electricians , painters and about U.S. $ 260 million ( $ 130 million ) will be invested in fighting violence against women by 2015.