Hariharan PV


What is EMPOWERMENT? Is offering some training empowerment?; Is helping the needy in villages with some medicines or fertilizer (a one-time offer) empowerment?; Is offering some off-hand doles empowerment? More over, do the Villagers/ Rural society NEED the empowerment that WE (at the helm of affairs, mostly in Five/ Seven star culture levels) define and design, “pushing” down on the villagers? Millions of Dollars are being spent on various such schemes … by the UN organizations, other Institutions and many Philanthropic Groups … But are we able to “empower” any one on a sustainable basis? If Yes... what are the figures? And why is it that Poverty is increasing in rural areas? If not... what are we to do? … instead of going on pumping in moneys into the drain? Having said that, this writer wishes to Define EMPOWERMENT of the Villagers/ Rural people as follows: A sustainable arrangement whereby an average Village family would be able to gain work and wages, such that the minimum earning power to live decently amongst society is made available. This writer is working on such concept in India,and would wish that many join and support the Cause/ venture. The idea is that, under Indian conditions, an average Village family (with Five members) should be able to have at least Two able bodied persons having full time (sustainable) Jobs … the two together earning not less than $2500 per annum. Today it is a ridiculously low level of $333.33 (GDP) and $33.33 real income (for a family of 5). There are over 150 million families in this pathetic condition in India. Are our Rural Group members listening? Most other developing countries also have equivalent problems.