En Brasil, nosostros tenemos un Plano Especial que se destina a los pequeños agricultores: El Pronaf, credito con tajas abajo del mercado, en la safra 2013/2014 se estimó en cerca de R$ 20 biliones (US$ 10 mil miliones). La más recente inovación es el apoyo a la comercialización. El PAA criado busca garantizar la aquisición de la producción dos alimentos desses agricultores. Esses alimentos son doados a las personas aingidas por la hambre en el sector urbano y rural, los alimentos son distribuídos a los hospitales, escuelas, orfanatos. Los pequeños agricultores receben el dinero e las personas e instituciones ficán con los alimentos. 30% de los recursos del programa son destinados a las mujeres e sus organizaciones.

Hay un ministério responsable por el Pronaf (www.mda.gov.br) e el apoyo a la producción y otro por el PAA (www.mds.gov.br), por las donaciones.

In Brazil, we have a Special Plan for smallholder farmers. During the 2013/2014 harvest, the National Program to Strengthen Family Farming (known in Spanish as PRONAF) granted loans, with low interest rates below market standards, estimated at BRL 20 billion (approximately USD 10 billion). The latest innovation is supporting marketing. The Plan to Support Agriculture (known in Spanish as PAA) aims to ensure the acquisition of food produced by farmers. Owing to this plan, food has been delivered to hungry people in urban and rural areas. Food is distributed in hospitals, schools, orphanages. Smallholders receive money and people and institutions take the food. 30% of the program resources are allocated to women and their organizations.

The Ministry of Agrarian Development (www.mda.gov.br) is in charge of the PRONAF and production support, whilst the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (www.mds.gov.br) of the PAA and the donations.