Senapathy Marisennayya

Wolaita Sodo University

[Received through LinkedIn]

Agriculture tasks have been failed to be partly or wholly gender specific. The gender role of men and women at household level in agriculture in different country varies from location to location due to socio-economic circumstance, cultural practice and type of farming etc. However, inspire of their substantial contribution to the development of the economy in general and agriculture sector in particular, there are many factors that influence them at household level in agriculture. Therefore, to be able to promote the gender equality, household food security, alleviate rural poverty and increase the productivity in the agriculture sector, a concerted effort is needed to gain accurate understanding of their circumstance in agriculture and factors that influencing them at household level in a given community.

Given the extensive participation of women in all aspect of agriculture production in the household, mainstreaming agriculture into gender perspective is a key strategy not only to promote the equality between men and women, but also for ensuring household food security, sustainable agricultural and rural development.

The sub-Saharan African average of 15 percent masks wide variations, from fewer than 5 percent in Mali to over 30 percent in countries such as Botswana, Cap Verde and Malawi. Latin America has the highest regional average share of female agricultural holders, which exceeds 25 percent in Chile, Ecuador and Panama. In addition to being more likely to hold land, men also typically control larger land holdings than women.

Involvement of Women and youth in Agriculture is a kind innovative approach in order to utilise the careful human capital resource efficiently and effectively. The men who managed agriculture farm is conventional but the real time spending worker is women have to come to involve in agriculture will be one of the drastic change in the primary sector.

