Г-н Patrick Mink

Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG, and Co-Lead of the One Planet (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems Programme

Dear Ms Semedo, Dear Mr Thiaw,

Dear colleagues from the FSN Forum,

Thank you very much for carrying out this consultation and for the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft concept note of this important programme.

I am pleased to send you herewith attached, on behalf of the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) of Switzerland, our feedback form together with the form to express interest to participate in the 10YFP-SFSP.

FOAG looks forward to actively promote the implementation of the programme.

Best regards,

Patrick Mink


Policy Advisor

Federal Department of Economic Affairs,

Education and Research EAER

Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG

International sustainable agriculture Unit


Mattenhofstr. 5, CH-3003 Bern

Phone +41 58 463 44 36

Fax +41 58 462 26 34

[email protected]
