First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the resilience/FSN team for putting in place the knowledge sharing platform.  In order to avoid duplication, promote innovative ideas and ensure sustainability, it is important that all key stakeholders (donors, the academia, UN agencies, research institutions, NGOs, etc)  are actively involved and provided with regular updates through the platform.  This could be done through organizing bi-annual or quarterly meetings at global and regional levels to discuss resilience related issues.  By doing so, the platform will be able to get new ideas, remain vibrant and alive!

To be more effective, the platform should consider building synergies with  existing fora or platforms at global or regional levels such as the Resilience Development Forum for the Near East and North Africa, which brings together UN agencies, NGOs, the private and public sectors in the region to discuss resilience issues in countries affected by the Syria crisis.

In order to make the platform an information as well as service provider, I suggest that key institutions, bodies and persons with expertise and experience in resilience should be identified and networked to ease access to their expertise whenever needed.  In other words, consideration should be made to develop a roster or a network of experts on resilience that can be engaged or tapped whenever needed.  The platform could facilitate sharing of resilience good practices, development of resilience technical papers and act as one of the main sources of resilience experts.

In terms of capacity building, given the nature of its work, mandate and the current work on resilience, I believe FAO is well placed to strengthen capacities of Government institutions and other stakeholders on resilience either singly or in partnership with other resilience renown institutions and bodies such as Tulane University and the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPN), among others.  Capacity building tools can be developed and tailored depending on the target group.